Going Everywhere

Going Everywhere

The story of Going Everywhere starts from being a foreigner. The artist has been living abroad for a long time. When moving to a new environment, the lack of the sense of feeling belonging and human rights makes her feel like an outsider or even invisible.

After living in many places, the artist have learned how to get along with people from different cultures. Besides, with a mixed background, her status gradually shifted from Taiwanese to international as well.

Now she has the ability to build her community and accommodate wherever she is. Embracing the difference makes her visible, and the journey itself has the meaning. At the end of the day, we are all from Earth.

She choose NFT as the medium because its inerasability aligns with the critical idea of existence in the project.

Shang-Yi Chuang
Shang-Yi Chuang
ML Researcher | ASR R&D

Extremely self-motivated engineer with excellent understanding of machine learning algorithms. Interested in speech processing, natural language processing, and multimodal learning.